Ode To My Mom
Hi, mom.
You are my inspiration.
The one I can always come to when I’m broken,
You make me laugh like no other,
I can always count on you.
You are a treasure,
And you deserve the best in the world.
Mom, I love you.
I know I tell you this millions of times a day,
But it’s the truth.
Please don’t forget this.
You are the strongest person I know.
You’ve been through so much yet still you stay strong,
I admire that.
We relate to each other by more than just blood,
You and I both tend to overreact,
And we share the feelings of anxiety.
We can always talk to each other about our worries.
You’ve taught me how to be strong,
And showed me that it’s okay to be vulnerable.
You are the reason why I am who I am today.
I get told that I look like you,
And that makes me happy,
Because you are beautiful,
Both inside and out.
Thank you,
For being my friend,
And constantly making me laugh,
For loving me,
And reminding me that I’ll be okay when it feels like I won’t be,
I love you.