Twenty One
I always thought I would have my life figured out by twenty one.
A four year college would have been finished with by now.
I would have my dream job that I would never end up hating.
By twenty one, I thought I would be away from the crazy state that is California.
The image of movies and tv shows in my mind,
I thought I would have experienced more at this age.
My heart has never been broken and I have never kissed anyone before.
I haven’t had the chance to learn about love the way my family and friends have.
I’ve always been the girl on the sidelines watching everybody else get their happily ever after.
Don’t even get me started on my anxiety,
The constant wondering of if I’m good enough,
if people actually enjoy my company.
It’s been this way since I was born and I know it’s here to stay.
I’ve come to terms with the fact that life doesn’t always turn out the way you think it will.
At twenty one years old, I’m going to let things happen as they do.
I’m going to love and accept what is given to me.
Because at this age, I have learned that I’m going to be okay, no matter what happens.